Southwest Naturals CBD
Hello! I'm Mary. It's been almost 5 years since I discovered the powers of CBD. I had a traumatic back injury about 20 years ago as a result of an unfortunate flight off of a trampoline. After years of prescription-strength anti-inflammatories, narcotic pain medicine, epidural injections, and a passive lifestyle, I was looking into spinal surgery as an answer to my pain. I couldn't afford to be ineffective in my job as a physical therapist, and frankly, was getting tired of missing out on fun with family and friends because of my physical disability.
Fortunately, my daughter came to visit from Colorado and introduced me to CBD, and more specifically, to the products we now represent. She had been taking the oil for her anxiety. In a very short period of time, I was off of all pain medication and no longer seeking epidurals or surgery. I was back to an active lifestyle and virtually pain-free.
CBD has changed my life and the lives of countless friends and family. Whether it be for the relief of pain, anxiety, or various other conditions, it has brought new life to so many. My passion for the product prompted me to become a CBD distributor and spread awareness of holistic pain relief to anyone with an open mind and a desire to avoid pharmaceutical medications.
Below is a video of our 15-year-old dog named BILL, and yes "she" is a girl dog that gets cbd treats as much as possible and still continues to go on hikes and walks with us. She receives cbd treats and we also give her the pet spray oil as frequently as possible through the week. Its been really amazing to watch the transformation that she's been through, Bill has way less signs of pain like she used too. As you can see she is back to her old puppy like self. She is the black coated dog in the video.